Wednesday, January 12, 2011

To Resolve Project

I came across this on Facebook when Javier Grillo-Marxuach posted it. Javi is the creator of "Middleman" which I've mentioned more than a few times here. He also wrote for "Lost" and is just all around awesome.

"To Resolve Project" was created by designer/illustrator, Chris Streger. He decided that the problem with resolutions is you put them on a list and hide the list away. Streger asked designers to design something for iPhone wallpaper that illustrates their resolution. HERE is the original link to project description.

While I don't have an iPhone or iPhone related place to put it, I still really like the designs and wanted to show them off.

Here are my favorites:

Don't ask for directions by Matt Stevens

Designed by Jay Rogers

Designed by Alex Westgate

You can find the rest HERE. I actually like a lot of them, but it's just easier to have you go check them all out. Enjoy!

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