This year, I read a book
called, “The End of Your Life Book Club” by Will Schwalbe. It is about how he
dealt with his mother being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. They used books
as a means to communicate about things that were hard to talk about and gave
them something to discuss that wasn’t all medicine. It is a well written book
and I highly recommend checking it out.
In the book, he talks about
how different books have different effects on you. Some can be life altering,
some can inspire, some can change your perspective, etc. You are what you read,
so to speak. Therefore, if someone wanted to connect with you on some level,
they could read the books that affected you. Of course, no two people read the
same book the same way, but it would at least open a dialogue. In the book, he
says that he wants to get the list of his mom’s books so that after she is
gone, her grandchildren will one day have a means to connect with her by reading
what she read.
I love this idea. I now wish
that I had thought to get lists from my grandparents before they passed. I kind
of want a reading list passed out at all wakes/funerals of the books that made
up those people.
I thought I would start with
my list of books and then ask people for theirs. It isn’t about how awesome the
book is or how well written. It is about how you connected with the book. Books
that touched your soul as much as your head and heart.
There were a few books that I
kicked around in my brain as to whether or not include. Below are the books
that have made me the person that I am up to this point (in no particular order
other than how they popped into my brain when I decided to put a list together):
- The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
- MacBeth by William Shakespeare
- The Catbird Seat by James Thurber (Short Story)
- Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
- World War Z by Max Brooks
- Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk
- The Secret Life of Houdini: America’s First Superhero by William Kalush & Larry Sloman
- Good Omens by Terry Prachett/Neil Gaiman
- By His Bootstraps – Robert Heinlein (Short Story)
- The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas [Updated as of August 2014]
These are books that I
connected with in a meaningful way. Some inspired me, some amused me, but all
of them caused me to think about things in new ways. Most of them contain a
supernatural/science fiction theme, but that is only because they contain ideas
that are easier to digest in a non-realistic context.
The point isn’t that I think they
are the greatest books ever, but that it triggered me to think about things.
For example, MacBeth is all about free will versus destiny and the extreme ways
one can embrace that decision. Is it the best Shakespeare play? No, probably
not. Is it my favorite? Absolutely. Hamlet was a whiner baby. Another thing to
know about this particular book is that when I can’t sleep I find comfort in
reciting lines from it. It always helps calm my mind down enough to get through
a bout of insomnia. A lot easier to be thinking about Scottish monarchs and
witchcraft than what I am going to do about bills that are due.
This is my book list and I
would be happy to discuss any of them with you, but more importantly, what
would be on your list? I would really like to know.
I posted this one G+ to see what some of people people said.
I've been combing through my Goodreads list and so far I've come up with:
What would be on your list?
Some of mine:
The Giver
Number the Stars
2001: A Space Odyssey (and 3001)
Are You in the House Alone?
Memoirs of a Geisha
Handmaid's Tale
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Oops! I forgot to give you the G+ link:
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