Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Back In the Saddle which is on the Wagon

It is no secret that I need to shed some pounds. The heaviest I have ever been was what I weighed when I left Los Angles in July 2008. I have lost the same 10 pounds over and over again since then. Once school started back up in the spring, I just couldn't seem to find the energy and/or time to make it to the gym.

You can't force things. You can try to put things in your favor, but you can't make them happen. I'm finally ready to do more of what I need to in order to get down to my goal.

Once school ended, I have gotten back on the wagon. I, sadly, started the year off at that peak weight. Right now I am 17 pounds lighter. It fluctuated a bit, but in the last two weeks I have really bucked down.

The ultimate goal is to lose an even 100 pounds which would still 25 pounds overweight for what my "ideal" weight should be for my height, but I am okay with that. An even 100 seems like a nice reasonable number. My goal for my birthday (end of September) is either: 
  • Lose (and keep off) 35 total pounds (23 more than what I have lost so far); and/or 
  • Drop a full size so that no matter what brand that size will fit me.
I feel this is neither too ambitious nor too easy. I find for me that I need to lose 25 pounds to drop a size so 35 would give me some literal wiggle room for that goal.

The diet I am doing is the Slow Carb Diet as described in Tim Ferris' "4-Hour Body" and I am exercising at 24 Hour Fitness which is fully loaded including a pool.

The key seems to be staying motivated. So I am watching things like "Super Size Me," "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead," and any of the 11 seasons of "The Biggest Loser" that Netflix has streaming right now.

So, that's where I am at in the realm of things. I hope that stating these goals will help me stick to them, but just in case, the below images are also meant for inspiration. I hope you find them as motivating as I do.

Ah, perspective...
I find this image highly motivating

1 comment:

Susie Geissler Aka "Zens7s" said...

Awesome Kathy!!! I am so proud of you and I know that you are going to succeed. You are an inspiration to me as well and hopefully I can also drop a few needed LBS on the way.

I know that the 4-Hour Body does work. I had luck losing 20 lbs on it before and have kept it off.